Your Support Is Appreciated

The Cloud Institute exists to ensure the viability of sustainable communities by leveraging changes in PreK-12 school systems so that we may prepare young people for the shift toward a sustainable future. Friends like you make it possible.

Your gift to The Cloud Institute gives us the flexibility to create new opportunities for the teachers, students and the communities we serve.

Consider adding 3% to cover our credit card processing costs, or mail your donation to: The Cloud Institute 709 County Route 11, Ancram, NY 12502

DONATE - Join our Circle of Friends

Join Our Circle of Friends

Your donation will support our ability to:

  • Expand our school-based professional development, coaching and change initiatives

  • Grow our E-Learning platform, digital course and tool development, and innovative programming

  • Offer our place based EfS Curriculum Design Studios

  • Measure our success through data collection and analysis

Our children are counting on us all to turn Spaceship Earth around. Our contribution is “the different way of thinking” that characterizes Education for Sustainability.

The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education is a 501c3 Organization. With your tax-deductible gift of $100 or more, you will make it possible for us to continue our work inspiring young people to think about the world, their relationship to it, and their ability to influence it in an entirely new way. Together, we can provide schools and communities with the tools and resources they need to educate for the future we want.

We value your support and look forward to working together to achieve a rich and meaningful quality of life for all within the means of nature.